/ACTION (action) - Shows an action performed by you.

/BAN* - Ban (nickname) from channel. To set a good ban do a /whois on the user and try /BAN *!*@users_ip_address, which is a harder ban to "go around" than a simple nick ban

/BANLIST - Show list of banned people for (channel).

/DEOP* - Remove OP privileges for (nickname).

/HELP - To access some simple on-line help.

/JOIN - #channel Allows you to join a specific chat channel.

/KICK* (nick) - This command kicks the specified user off the channel.

/LEAVE - Allows you to leave the current channel.

/LIST - List all channels on server (may be very long).

/MODE* [channel | nickname] [ + | - ] [ mode ] - Lets you auto op or put something in a different mode.

/ME action - Shows the message as an action performed by you.

/MSG nickname message - Allows you to send a private message (whisper) to the person with that nickname.

/NAMES - Shows a list of who is currently active in the chat channel.

/NICK - Allows you to change your nickname displayed in the chat room.

/OP* - Give OP privileges to (nickname).

!SEEN (nickname) - To see the last time someone was in a chat room.

/TOPIC* - View/Change the topic for the channel.

/UNBAN* - Allow (nickname) into the channel.

/WHOIS - Display info for (nickname).

(* means only ops can use this feature)